Internet of Things and its future – IoT

Internet Of Things (IoT) is a popular word now in tech world. What sort of a thing is this? A Thing is something which we can observe and is physically available. It can be literally anything or everything that we encounter in our daily life which includes machines, appliances, buildings, vehicles, people, animals, goods, plants etc. The internet of things is a network of physical objects. We will be connected to things that can make changes to our life and society.

Internet has grown tremendously with IPv6, which has plenty of ip addresses which we can possibly add to anything/objects in this universe. This effectively gives unique identity to a thing.


Lets consider a car (considered as smart car). The owner of the car needs to know who is currently driving the car, who are in the passenger seats from anywhere in the world.

Lets consider another one. Consider a chair, (which is considered as smart chair) if someone needs to know who occupies it, or is it still unoccupied from anywhere in the world.

How we can accomplish internet of things?

The thing needs to have an unique identity which uniquely identifies from other thing. A medium to communicate. Add sensors to the thing which act as the sensory organs (hear, smell, taste, touch, vision) like ours that monitors the environment. The involvement of smart phones will be enormous.

What will we do with internet of things?

We can connect to things, search things, manage things, play with things, control things and much more.

Future of internet of things?

We usually says future is unpredictable. What will be after 20 years? Is internet same as 20 years before? It will change the whole world with people connected to things in all ways, may be people can’t live without connecting to things. Let wait and see. We might be seeing technocracy, where an elite of technical experts controls the society, government or industry.

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